Chilliwack, BC
Activities & Training

Cadet Biathlon Program

Biathlon is a combination of cross-country skiing (winter Biathlon) or running (summer Biathlon) and marksmanship. I requires tremendous endurance and strength as well as skill and precision.  Cadet biathletes participate in a series of competitions at the local level that culminate in provincial/territorial competitions and an annual National Cadet Biathlon Championship.

WHEN: October - January 

Thursdays at the Armouries 6:30pm - 8:30 pm and additional weekend days when announced.

Goals of the Biathlon Program

  • promote physical fitness;
  • promote sportsmanship & sport etiquette;
  • develop marksmanship skills;
  • provides persona challenge and achievement opportunities;
  • builds self esteem

Equipment Provided

Training and materials (skies, boots, poles and rifles) are provided.

NOTE:  DND provides no financial support for the training expenses (ski passes, transportation or meals), and 147 Airwolf SSC's budget is limited and can’t always cover all of the expenses. Bottomline is that families may be asked to contribute by purchasing ski access passes and car pooling to ski as far away as Whistler.

We want cadets and parents to understand that it takes hard work and dedication to make the team, and making the team may not happen in their first year. Staying committed to the training throughout the season can improve their chances for selection next year and beyond. So please don’t be discouraged if you aren’t selected to be on this year’s competitive team. Work hard and keep training for next year and beyond – Rome wasn’t built in a day – and successful athletes don’t happen overnight.

Our Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors